Slack allows your team to keep up with new content, reports and certain moderator actions in real time. Certain actions, which are 100% configurable, will send a notification to a specified slack channel outlining the action that has occurred.
Currently supported actions:
Thread - new thread created, new thread requiring moderation created, thread deleted, and can filter to specific node ID
Post - new post created, new post requiring moderation created, and post deleted (Supports hard & Soft deletions)
User - new user has registered, new user requiring admin approval has registered, and user has been banned/unbanned
Reports - new report created, new comment on report, and report status changed
In our newsletters we share strategies, tips, and inspiration to anyone involved in managing an online community along with updates, discounts, events, and other related information. We want to help build thriving online communities; not fill your inbox, so we typically only send 1-2 emails a month.