ThemeHouse Product Compatibility with XenForo 2.1

By Victoria D  01/31/2019

At ThemeHouse, we have been working hard and preparing for the release of XenForo 2.1. Now that XenForo 2.1 has been released, we are excited to say that many of our XenForo 2 add-ons and themes are compatible with it.

As this was a major update, please be aware that there may be bugs. We have thoroughly tested the products with our beta team and closed almost every issue reported. Should you find a bug, please let us know by submitting a ticket here so we can resolve the issue. We will provide support to resolve bugs and will do whatever we can to reach stability.

We would be happy to help if you would like assistance with upgrading to XenForo 2.1. If so, please create a ticket here and we will provide you with a quote based on your needs.

Thank you for your support!

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