XenForo 2 products from ThemeHouse with free branding removal
Since we found it a bit of a ridiculous area of contention over the years, we decided to put to bed the issue of branding removal once and for all. To us, it makes more sense that YOU get the choice in supporting us or not. Being forced to is not the way it should be done just to squeeze a few dollars. It was just the standard that we saw other designers doing and never really questioned it. But our customers mentioned it, and we listened. We'd far rather you be proud to display our name than be forced to. Therefore, we now offer free removal for our public branding on themes and add-ons.
How to remove the branding?
We keep it i by default, but its free and easy to remove. To remove it, simply go to /src/config.php and add the line$config['removeThemeHouseBranding'] = true;