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Setting up Topics

Setting up Node Topics

Here is a basic guide to setting up Node Topics. For more information on each section, please navigate to the corresponding pages in the documentation.

A Node Topic is a dynamic way of organizing threads where threads have one Topic and is a direct relationship with an existing forum node. Node Topics was designed for communities looking to maintain their current organizational structure.

  1. After Topics has been installed, go to ACP > Topics > Options and make any necessary setting changes. Several of these will apply only to Thread Topics.
  2. In Options, untick 'Enable thread topics system'. Choose Save when you are finished in Options.
  3. Navigate to ACP > Appearance > Widgets. Upon installation, a [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget is automatically added in several places. Find the [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget and choose where you would like the widget to appear and change any other settings as needed. Choose Save when you are finished.
Setting up Thread Topics

Here is a basic guide to setting up Thread Topics. For more information on each section, please navigate to the corresponding pages in the documentation.

A Thread Topic is a dynamic way of organizing threads, with threads having multiple Topics. To use this method you will need to set up Thread Topics based on your nodes or add new ones.

  1. After Topics has been installed, you will need to add Thread Topics, either manually in ACP > Topics > Thread topics or using the ACP > Topics > Tools. If you use Tools, when finished go to Topics > Thread topics to view, edit, and add Thread Topics.
  2. Go to ACP > Topics > Layout and arrange the Thread Topics how you would like and adjust settings as necessary. Choose Save when you are finished.
  3. Navigate to ACP > Topics > Options and make any necessary setting changes. To use Thread Topics you will need to make sure 'Enable thread topics system' is checked. Choose Save when you are finished.
  4. Navigate to ACP > Appearance > Widgets. Upon installation, a [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget is automatically added in several places. Find the [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget and choose where you would like the widget to appear and change any other settings as needed. Choose Save when you are finished.
  5. If you would like to change the default page in your community to show the Thread Topics List page, navigate to ACP > Setup > Options > Basic board information. Set your Forums default page to Topic list. Make sure to save changes before continuing.
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