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Topic Filters

Add the [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget to allow users to quickly navigate through Topics in various locations throughout the forum.

To add and edit the Topics widget, Navigate to ACP > Appearance > Widgets.

Upon installation, a [TH] Topics: Thread filter widget is automatically added in several places.

Topics Type If the Default option is checked, a thread topics widget will be shown if thread topics is enabled and there is at least one thread topic in Topics > Layout. Otherwise, this will show a node topics widget. If the Node topics option is selected, a node topics widget will be shown.

Allow filtering by multiple topics Selecting this will allow users to filter multiple thread topics at a time.

Maximum depth of topics to show This is to set how many levels of children are shown in widgets. If default is selected, it will choose the number that was set up in Topics > Options. Otherwise, you can select the value for this specific widget.

Number of topics to show This is to set the number of topics to show in filters before moving remaining topics to a "Show all" menu. If you choose the Default option, simple vertical filters will be set to the value chosen for vertical widget in Topics > Layout or Topics > Options and horizontal scroller filters will be set to the value chosen for horizontal widget in Topics > Layout or Topics > Options. If you choose to set your own value, that value will be used for horizontal scroller and simple vertical filters. The value selected must be equal to or less than the values chosen in Topics > Layout or Topics > Options.

Display style If Default is chosen, a simple vertical widget will be displayed in sidebar widget positions and a horizontal scroller will be displayed in all other widget positions. If Simple vertical is chosen, a simple vertical view, designed for narrow spaces such as sidebars will be displayed. If Horizontal scroller is chosen, a side scroller view, designed for wide spaces and optimized for mobile devices will be displayed.

Make responsive Enabling this option will hide all simple vertical widgets on mobile devices if a horizontal scroller is visible, and hide all horizontal scrollers on non-mobile devices if a simple vertical widget is visible. The viewport width at which a device is considered to be mobile can be set in ACP > Appearance > Style properties.

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