
UI.X 2

Updating UI.X 2

Please make sure that the theme version you are updating or installing is compatible with the XenForo version you have. You can check this by making sure the first 3 numbers on the XenForo version and theme version match. Any additional numbers do not apply. For example, UI.X is compatible with XF 2.1.1. If an incompatible theme is installed or updated the theme may not work as intended.

Updating to new versions of UI.X is made easier than ever through the UI.X add-on. Your forum automatically checks for updates to UI.X. If an update is available, you are able to install it in one click.

To allow for one touch updating and check for updates to UI.X 2, an API Callback to our servers is made. This callback does not gather any information about your site. That said, if you do not wish to use one click updates and prefer to continue manually updating, you are free to not enter an API key and there will be no callback made to check for updates.

  1. Download the add-on from your purchases page at
  2. Extract the .zip file to a familiar place, such as your desktop, then upload the contents of /upload to your XenForo root directory
  3. After the files have uploaded, go to your XenForo Admin Control Panel. Navigate to Add-ons → Add-ons and Click on the Upgrade button next to the add-on.
  4. After that has installed, you will need to generate an API key from -
  5. Back in your XenForo ACP, go to Options → [UI.X] General settings, and paste the API key in under ThemeHouse API Key
  6. When that is done, you can now go to UI.X tab at the top of the ACP → Styles → Find UI.X 2 in the list and install it right there. This will automatically create a child theme for you as well. Make sure to make all edits to the child theme.
  7. If you do not want to install via the styles tab using a callback, the theme files will be available to download in the orders page changelog table
  8. To install the theme that way, you must also upload the contents of /upload/ to your root XenForo directory
  9. When that is done go to Appearance → Styles → Import a style → Browse for the .xml file you downloaded (the style not the add-on) and import. Make sure when that is done to create a child theme to this style and make all changes to that. Never edit UI.X 2 or any official product directly as upgrading becomes nearly impossible.
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