BigSoccer is a leading soccer forum with members discussing professional soccer teams, cups, and more.
Sporting a Squarespace article side and a vBulletin forum, BigSoccer contacted us to completely overall their brand and website. Refining their pixelated and high-gloss logo to something more sleek, as well as changing software platforms to XenPorta and XenForo, we were able to build the large board from the ground up.
Logo design with high-impact letterforms and sport badge brandmark
Complete UI/UX design process of all essential views which included homepage, forum list, thread list, and thread view.
Content strategy on forum node restructuring
XenForo theme development
XenForo add-on installation and setup
Data migration from vBulletin to XenForo
In our newsletters we share strategies, tips, and inspiration to anyone involved in managing an online community along with updates, discounts, events, and other related information. We want to help build thriving online communities; not fill your inbox, so we typically only send 1-2 emails a month.