

XenForo 1 Add-on

With so many expenses, your organization can often find that offsetting cost with donations is a great way to produce continued quality services and better experiences for your guests.

Enter Donate, a simple yet powerful donation manager. Run multiple campaigns at the same time. One for your server bill and another for that new software the community has been wanting to see.

If you want to offer sustaining member plans, you can! $100 one-time fee is an amazing donation, but $10/mo is less for your guest and more money for the organization long term. Users can cancel their membership at any time.

With many payment options through [bd] Paygates, multiple sidebar widgets on any page for top donors or specific campaigns, featured campaigns, anonymous donating and more, it's all here. Give us a try!

Looking for Donate for XenForo 2? You can find it by navigating here.

Create campaigns for donations
Create and manage multiple campaigns at a time
Accept donations securely with Paygates
Disable campaigns for later use
Set a featured campaign
Recurring campaigns and donations

Donate Features

Customizable Features

Add "thank you" messages, set donation goals, create pre-set donation amounts

5 Currency Options

Choose between USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, and EUR

Donate Anonymously

Allow users to opt out of showing their information when donating

Easily Managable

Create start and end dates, donation goals, and view your progress bar and completion percentage on the front end

ReleasedAug 14th, 2015
Last UpdatedJul 10th, 2018Changelog
CategoryXenForo 1 Add-ons
RequirementsXenForo 1.x
[BD] Paygates
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