

XenForo 2 Add-on

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Introduce friendly competition by highlighting members for their high-level of activity through a community-wide leaderboard.

Users can monitor their placement for a variety of criteria such as most posts, resources, media uploaded, and more. The leaderboard can also be sorted by weekly, monthly, yearly, and all time.

Users can place in a ranked leaderboard

Leaderboards Features

Administrator Features
  • Create leaderboards based on achievements, threads, posts, donations, resources, and media

  • Set up leaderboards to view by daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or all time increments

  • Cache leaderboard result queries for a specified number of minutes or disable

  • Display one of several leaderboards by the preferred time interval in a widget

  • Place leaderboards in widgets throughout community pages, including: Achievements list, member achievement, feed view, conversation view, forum list, forum new posts, forum overview, forum view, help page, member view, member wrapper, online list, public, donate, Featured content, thread view, Trending, all threads list, What's New, XWiki discussion list, forums default page, resource category, and resource overview

User Features
  • Filter leaderboard rankings by time duration

  • Enable notification alerts for when you reach a top spot and when you nearly reach a top spot on the leaderboards

  • Easily find your position on the leaderboard with the “Find own position” button

  • See changes in the position

  • Stand out on the leaderboard with a special icon when you’re in the top 3

ReleasedJun 11th, 2020
Last UpdatedJul 23rd, 2024Changelog
CategoryXenForo 2 Add-ons
RequirementsXenForo 2.x
PHP 7.4+
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