Scrollable sidebar - Adds a scrollable container around the sidebar.
Share widget modal - Replace the contents of the share widget with a button that opens a modal. This is useful to help differentiate between the share social icons, and the social links.
Scrollable sidenav - Adds a scrollable container around sidenav.
Sidebar mobile canvas - Adds the sidebar to an off canvas for mobile.
Collapsible Sidebar - Allows you to collapse and expand the sidebar if it is enabled.
The sidebar collapse function uses "sessions" which allows the browser to remember the users choice. This works for both guests as well as registered users.
Sidebar breakpoint - Allows you to set the width at which the sidebar breaks under the main content. This also disables the collapsible sidebar functionality, as well as sticky functionality.
Sidebar Heading Icons - Adds icons to the sidebar headings when enabled.
This adds icons to all widgets, not just those in the sidebar. It does not, however, add an icon to HTML widgets, as XenForo does not add widget-related markup to them.
Add default sidebar icons for custom HTML widgets - Adds the default icon to custom HTML widgets.
Sidebar location - Set whether the sidebar is on the left or the right of the main content.
The sidebar trigger will follow the sidebar (I.E. When sidebar is on the left, the trigger is also floated left.)
Sidebar trigger position - Sets the location for the sidebar collapse trigger. Options are:
Show sidebar trigger phrase - Adds the sidebar phrase to the trigger.
If the sidebar trigger is in the breadcrumb, it will force the breadcrumb to show regardless of other options.
Sticky sidebar - Enables the sticky sidebar, and allows you to set to to sticky top only, is sticky top and bottom
Visitor Panel Stats as icons - Allows you to change the visitor stats to icons instead of text if it is enabled.
Widget Padding - Allows you to set the default padding for the sidebar widgets.
Sticky sidebar recalc delay - Sets the amount (milliseconds) to delay an additional calculation for the sticky sidebar.
This style property is useful when ads or any other widgets/content load in the sidebar after the initial page load, which causes the sticky sidebar calculation to be incorrect. After this many milliseconds, the sidebar will recalculate to see if it is still correct, and will update if it is not.