
UI.X 2

Header and Navigation


Separate Header from Content Wrapper - Adds a bottom margin to header.

Header whitespace - Pixel value of the margin between navigation, user bar, and logo block.

Move navigation above logo block - Moves the main navigation above the logo block/header component.

Navigation bar height - Sets the height of the navigation bar.

Height of Sticky Navigation Bar - Sets the height of the sticky navigation bar.

Right align navigation - Floats both the navigation as well as the sub navigation links to the right.

Navigation tab icons - Adds icons next to the navigation text on the navigation bar. For infomation on adding new icons, see our FAQs.

Add default navigation tab icon - This will add a stock default navigation icon. (Note: This may cause any custom icons you set to be overwritten. Disable this feature if this is the case.)

Navigation type - Sets the type of navigation style between default and Sidebar Navigation.

Sidebar navigation is only available in the covered style along with the fluid header.

Sidebar navigation width - Sets the width for the sidebar navigation component.

Collapse sidebar navigation section links - Collapses the active tabs section links by default. Note: Only applicable when navigation style is set to sidebar navigation.

Show tablinks in sidebar nav - Adds the sub navigation links to the sidebar navigation.

Login/Visitor tabs

Visitor tabs position - Sets the user tabs position. Options include:

Staff bar
Sub-navigation bar

Visitor tabs location (mobile) - Sets which component the visitor tabs to move to for mobile. Options include:

Initial (no change)
Off canvas
Tab bar

Login triggers style - The method in which the login form displays once the trigger is activated. Options include:

Dropdown menu
Sliding panel (default XenForo 1 function)

Login triggers position - Sets the login triggers position. Options include:

Staff bar
Section links

Remove register/login text - Allows you to remove the text that is shown on the register/login menu.

Viewport width to remove login text - Sets the minimum viewport width to display the login text.

Condense visitor tabs - Allows you to condense the visitor tabs. Links for the Alerts and Conversations are added to the user drop down menu.

Viewport width to condense visitor tabs - Sets the minimum viewport width to condense the visitor tabs.

Remove visitor tab text - This setting allows you to remove the visitor tab text.

Viewport width to remove visitor tab text - Sets the minimum viewport width for the visitor tab text to display.

Logo block (Header row)

Minimum viewport width to show logo block - Sets the minimum viewport width to show on the logo block.

Viewport width to center the logo block - Sets the maximum width to center the logo block. This causes all logo block components to stack vertically, and aligned in the center. Set 0 for never and 100% for always.

Staff bar

Staff bar sticky - Enables the sticky staff bar functionality.

Sticky staff bar height - Sets the height of the sticky staff bar.

Collapse staffbar links - Adds a collapse function on the staff bar's links.

Viewport width to collapse staffbar links - Sets the maximum viewport width to collapse the staff bar links.

Staff bar breakpoint - Sets the viewport width at which components move from the Staff Bar to the right side of the navigation in order to hide the staffbar. (Note: This is designed for mobile friendly design.)

Sticky sub navigation height - Sets the sticky height for the sticky section.

Viewport width to remove the sub-navigation - Hides the sub-navigation bar at this breakpoint and moves its components to the right side of the navigtion.

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